Roksan Audio Stereo Amplifier KMA 2 3 User Guide

KMA - 2/3  
U S E R M A N U A L  
R O K S A N A U D I O L I M I T E D  
T E L .  
F A X .  
+ 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 9 0 0 6 8 0 1  
+ 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 9 0 0 6 8 0 2  
+ 4 4 ( 0 ) 2 0 8 9 0 0 0 7 3 4  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Your Kandy Amplifier is set to operate from a fixed supply voltage which is marked on a label next to the mains  
input plug. Before connecting the mains lead please check that your mains supply corresponds to this label as  
230V Products ………………………………….Voltage Range: 220V – 240V  
115V Products ………………………………….Voltage Range: 100V – 120V  
The mains lead supplied with this product has an IEC mains socket that plugs into the IEC connector on the  
unit’s rear panel. The other end is normally attached to the appropriate mains plug for your country. In the UK  
this is the standard UK13A plug.  
This plug should ordinarily not be removed from the lead. If you do remove it, please dispose of it safely so that it  
cannot be plugged into a mains socket whilst in a potentially dangerous condition. We suggest that you obtain  
from your dealer a complete replacement lead.  
Should you move to another area where either the mains voltage or the mains plugs are different from those as  
supplied with your Integrated Amplifier, please contact the appointed ROKSAN distributor for assistance.  
Please observe correct mains polarity at all times.  
The Kandy Power Amplifier mains fuse is located on the rear panel next to the IEC mains connector. This must  
only be replaced by the fuse of the type and rating as described on the fuse rating label on the rear panel of the  
This product requires connection to electrical earth (ground). The earth wire (in the UK this is colour coded  
green/yellow) of the mains cable supplied with your Power Amplifier must be connected to a suitable grounding  
point established for this purpose by your electricity supply company. If you are in any doubt, consult a qualified  
If the equipment is likely to be unused for some time, unplug it from the mains supply.  
This equipment may generate or use Radio Frequency energy. The user may lose the right to operate this  
equipment if unauthorised modifications are made.  
Properly installed, this unit should not cause harmful interference to radio communications, There is, however, no  
guarantee that such interference will not occur in a specific installation. If interference arises (which you can  
determine by switching the unit off and on) you could try to remedy matters by the following:  
Re-orient or re-locate the receiving antenna  
Increase the distance between the Kandy Amplifier and receiver  
Connect the unit to a different mains circuit from that of the receiver  
Consult your ROKSAN appointed dealer or an experienced Radio/TV technician for help and advice  
Your Kandy Power Amplifier should be located in a well ventilated area and kept away from sources of heat, dust  
and humidity and from direct sunlight.  
The Kandy Power Amplifier may be positioned either as a free standing unit or alongside another audio/video  
Never place the Power Amplifier on carpet or any surface likely to hinder normal ventilation.  
Never allow liquids or other objects to fall into the unit.  
This unit contains no user serviceable parts. Do Not remove any panels or attempt to service it yourself.  
Unauthorised servicing will void the warranty.  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 3 of 10  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
ROKSAN Kandy Power Amplifier- Front Panel View  
Power Amplifier KMA-2/3 MkIII  
Mode Indicator Light  
ROKSAN Kandy Power Amplifier - Rear Panel View  
15 16  
Right Channel Trimmed Input  
Left Channel Trimmed Input  
Centre Channel Trimmed Input (Only fitted to 3 Channel Amplifiers)  
Right Channel Straight Input  
Left Channel Straight Input  
Centre Channel Straight Input (Only fitted to 3 Channel Amplifiers)  
Right Channel Trimmer  
Left Channel Trimmer  
Centre Channel Trimmer (Only fitted to 3 Channel Amplifiers)  
Centre Speaker Output (Only fitted to 3 Channel Amplifiers)  
Right Speaker Output  
Left Speaker Output  
Voltage & Fuse Label  
AC Mains Power Switch  
AC Mains Input  
AC Mains Fuse holder  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 4 of 10  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Please refer to rear panel view on Page 4. The moulded IEC connector of the supplied mains lead should be  
plugged into the socket (15) on the rear of the unit first and then plugged into the mains supply. The Mains power  
switch (14) is on the rear panel of the Amplifier. This switch is normally left on. If the unit is likely to be  
unattended for a long period, switch it off and unplug the mains lead from the wall.  
Signal Input Connections:  
There are two types of input on the Kandy Multi-channel Amplifier, the upper row of two  
or three ‘straight’ Inputs (1, 2 & 3) and the lower row of two or three ‘trimable’ Inputs (4, 5 & 6). The 2-  
channel, stereo, power amplifier has two sets of inputs and the 3-channel power amplifier has three sets of  
All the inputs use Gold plated RCA Phono Connectors and are designated as follows:  
Straight Inputs – Black or White  
Trimmed Inputs – Red  
(Example: Simply connect the Kandy DVD’s Rear Right, Rear Left and Centre audio outputs to your 3-  
channel amplifier’s corresponding R, L & C Straight inputs)  
Straight Input Connections:  
If you wish to use the amplifier for multi-amping or purely as a power amplifier, you  
should connect the pre out of your Kandy Integrated Amplifier, pre-amplifier or surround sound processor to the  
corresponding Straight Input. The gain of the Kandy Power Amplifier is exactly the same as the power amplifier  
section of the Kandy Integrated Amplifier and therefore is ideal for Multi-amping (Bi-amping, Tri-amping etc.)  
IMPORTANT NOTE: For optimum performance it is recommended to use high quality inter-connect cables  
such as ROKSAN HDC-02A high definition analogue Cable.  
Trimmed Input Connections:  
If you wish to use the amplifier for Multi-channel A/V, directly connected to the Kandy  
DVD 5.1 Dolby Audio output, or as a power amplifier in an installation requiring its output level to be trimmed  
down, then the Trimmed Inputs should be used. (e.g. You should connect the Kandy DVD audio output to the  
corresponding Trimmed Input of the Kandy Power Amplifier)  
The output of the Kandy Amplifier can then be trimmed down 7dB by using the  
Trimmers (7, 8 & 9) on the back panel.  
IMPORTANT NOTE: It is always better to use the Straight Inputs when there are no requirements for level  
adjustment. Even when connected to the Kandy DVD 5.1 audio output, it is generally not necessary to connect  
to the Trimmed inputs. In most cases the surround speakers can be run from the Straight input and only when  
the centre channel speaker is noticeably different in output to the surround speakers would the signal require  
connection to the Trimmed input. Otherwise use the Straight inputs and just set the integrated amplifier volume  
high enough to achieve the same loudness from all speakers at the listening/viewing position. The overall  
volume can then be adjusted using the Kandy DVD volume control or the volume control of a stand-alone  
surround sound processor.  
The Right, Left and Centre loudspeakers are connected to the amplifier via the rear panel binding posts (10),  
(11) and (12) respectively. There are two basic types of cable –  
Figure 8 cable has two insulated conductors that lie parallel, either side by side, or spaced by insulation.  
Overall sheathed cable has both conductors insulated and enclosed in an overall plastic sheath.  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 5 of 10  
Carefully remove any overall sheath or split the figure 8 cable to a depth of about 75mm (3”).  
Carefully strip the insulation on each wire to a depth of about 12mm (1/2”) exposing the  
bare core. If the conductor is stranded, twist the strands together on each conductor.  
Unscrew the binding post. There is a cross-hole about 5mm from the panel end of the  
binding post. Insert the bared conductor through the hole and tighten the binding post  
securely making sure that there are no loose strands or bare ends protruding through  
the post.  
Carefully observe polarity ensuring that the RED (+) speaker terminal is connected to  
the RED (+) amplifier terminal and the BLACK (-) speaker terminal to the BLACK (-)  
amplifier terminal.  
When all the channels are connected to their respective speakers the amplifier is ready  
for use.  
IMPORTANT NOTE: For optimum performance it is recommended to use high quality cables such as ROKSAN  
HDC-02S High Definition Loudspeaker Cable. Many speaker cables such as the ROKSAN HDC-02S are  
directional. Please observe this directionality. DO NOT use a speaker cable with conductor size less than 16  
AWG (1.6mm Diameter). The Binding posts accept conductor sizes up to 12 AWG.  
Multi-Amping The Loudspeakers  
If the Loudspeakers utilise more than one drive unit with individual input terminals, for example a Tweeter and a  
Woofer, then the loudspeaker performance will greatly benefit from Bi-Amping. Dedicating one amplifier to the  
Tweeter and another to the Woofer isolates them from each other hence reducing distortion and increasing  
reserved power. Speakers work far better with most amplifiers when Multi-Amped than using one yet more  
powerful amplifier.  
Kandy Integrated Amplifier MkI  
& MkII do not have pre out  
sockets for multi-amping.  
If the loudspeakers have more  
drive units you just add more 2-  
channel amplifiers and connect  
Kandy Integrated Amplifier  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2-Ch  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 6 of 10  
Multi-channel A/V Connection  
Using the Kandy DVD, Kandy Integrated Amplifier and Kandy Power Amplifier 3-channel:  
Kandy DVD Player  
Kandy Integrated Amplifier  
Kandy Power Amplifier 3-Ch  
1. Connect Front Main L & R speakers to the Integrated Amplifier L & R speaker outputs  
2. Connect Rear (Surround) L & R speakers to the 3-Channel Power Amplifier L & R speaker outputs  
3. Connect Centre speaker to the 3-Channel Power Amplifier C speaker output  
4. Run Test Tone on the Kandy DVD player and manually adjust Integrated Amplifier volume until all speakers sound  
equally loud (Remember or mark this volume setting for future reference when using in multi-channel A/V mode. The  
Integrated volume would normally be around 3 O’clock with similar sensitivity loudspeakers used for front, centre and  
rear. To adjust overall listening volume level in this mode, use the Kandy DVD volume control and not the Integrated  
volume control)  
If Centre speaker is too loud, then connect the DVD centre output to the Trimmed input C on the 3-Channel Power  
Amplifier and adjust Level Trim C until the sound level is equal with the other speakers  
If Rear speakers are too loud, then connect the DVD Rear L & R outputs to the Trimmed inputs L & R on the 3-Channel  
Power Amplifier and adjust Level Trim L & R until the sound level is equal with the other speakers  
Important Note:  
When using a stand-alone surround sound processor connect only to the Straight Inputs on the Kandy  
Power Amplifier and use the processor’s level trim.  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 7 of 10  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Please refer to the front and rear panel views on page 4.  
The Mains power switch (14) is located on the rear panel of the amplifier. This switch should be left ON for  
normal operation. If unattended for a long period, the Mains power should be switched OFF and the lead  
disconnected from the power supply.  
When switched ON from the rear panel, your Kandy Power Amplifier will go to Operational mode and the MODE  
indicator light (1) will glow RED. The amplifier is now ready for use.  
If there is no signal (or the signal level is very low) the MODE indicator light will change to AMBER after  
approximately 2 minutes  
If there is still no signal after approximately 10 minutes, the amplifier will revert to Standby mode and the  
MODE indicator light will glow GREEN  
As soon as there is a signal the Kandy Power Amplifier will ‘wake up’, the MODE indicator light will glow  
RED and after a couple of seconds the outputs will be activated.  
Please refer to the rear panel views on page 4.  
There are two or three Trimmers (7, 8 & 9) that can be utilised to reduce the gain of any of the channels and  
thus reduce the output level on that channel. In this configuration the input signal to that channel must be  
connected to its Trimmed Input socket only (not the Straight Input). When connected as such the gain on that  
channel can be reduced as indicated below.  
NOTE: To avoid damage to the trim pots always use a good quality flat blade electrical trimmer.  
Fully Anti-  
1/8 Turn  
1/4 Turn  
3/8 Turn  
1/2 Turn  
5/8 Turn  
Full Gain  
31.6 dB  
30.4 dB  
26.8 dB  
25.6 dB  
Full Trim  
24.4 dB  
NOTE: These values and positions are approximate and should be used as a guide. During the installation and  
set-up, you should adjust the trimmer to achieve the desired output level.  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 8 of 10  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
If you suspect that your ROKSAN Kandy Power Amplifier is not operating properly, you should check all the  
connections carefully. Pay particular attention to speaker phasing and channel connections. Phono plugs should  
be fully inserted- a frequent cause of problems is that Phono plug surrounds do not make proper contact. Below  
are some commonly encountered problems with suggestions for possible cure. The list is not exhaustive: If you  
have any unresolved problems, please consult your appointed ROKSAN dealer or distributor.  
No power  
AC Mains lead not inserted properly  
Unit not switched on at rear panel  
Missing or bad input signal connection  
Incorrect speaker connection  
Ensure AC Mains lead is fully inserted  
Switch unit on at rear panel  
Check all input connections  
Check speaker output connections on  
rear panel  
No output on one or more  
Lower output on one or  
more channels  
Higher trim on one or more channels  
Loudspeakers connected out of phase  
Incorrect Grounding  
Check trim level and adjust accordingly  
Poor speaker imaging, lack  
of Bass output  
Check polarity of speaker connections  
(especially important if Multi-wiring,  
Check Mains polarity and grounding on  
all connected equipment  
Hum from speakers  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
There are no user-serviceable parts inside your Kandy Power Amplifier. If a fault should develop, refer any  
servicing to your appointed ROKSAN dealer, distributor or ROKSAN approved service agent.  
Your ROKSAN Kandy Power Amplifier is guaranteed against any defect in materials and workmanship for a  
period of two years from the date of purchase.  
This guarantee only becomes effective if the warranty card is validated by the ROKSAN retailer from whom the  
equipment was purchased and returned to ROKSAN within 28 days of purchase.  
This guarantee excludes:  
1. Damage caused due to accident, missuse, neglect and incorrect installation, adjustment or repair.  
2. Liability for damage or loss during transit from the retailer or purchaser to ROKSAN or its authorised  
distributor for the purposes of repair or inspection.  
Carriage costs to ROKSAN shall be borne by the consignor.  
All claims under this guarantee must be made through an authorised ROKSAN retailer.  
If equipment returned for repair to ROKSAN is found on inspection to comply with the product specification  
ROKSAN reserves the right to make a charge for examination and return carriage.  
Unauthorised servicing will void this guarantee.  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 9 of 10  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Straight (x2 or x3 for3-channel amplifiers)  
Trimmed (x2 or x3 for3-channel amplifiers)  
Input Impedance  
Input Sensitivity (115W)  
10 k  
Speaker L & R (x1), Speaker Centre (x1 for 3-channel amplifiers)  
Output Power  
>115 Watts, into 8Ω  
>220 Watts, into 4Ω  
Power Supply  
500VA Ultra Low Noise Toroidal Transformer  
Damping Factor  
Frequency response  
>110 (8)  
(-3dB), <3Hz – >100kHz  
Straight or untrimmed input  
(-2dB), <3Hz –20kHz  
Fully trimmed by 7dB  
31.6 dB Straight or untrimmed  
24.4 dB Fully trimmed  
Harmonic Distortion  
Signal to Noise Ratio  
Power Source  
<0.005% 1kHz - 8Ω  
100dBa (ref. 900mV)  
100V – 120V 50Hz / 60Hz  
220V – 240V 50Hz / 60Hz  
Power Consumption  
Standby <25W, Full Power <800W  
432 x 380 x 90 (W x D x H) mm  
432 x 380 x 102 (including feet)  
14 Kg  
K a n d y Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel  
Purchase Date  
Serial Number: …………………………  
Year .……… Month …….. Day ……..  
ROKSAN Retailer  
Location: ………………………………  
Please keep a record for future reference  
Roksan Audio ltd  
Kandy Power Amplifier 2/3 Channel User Manual  
Version 1.0  
All specifications are liable to change without notice. E&OE  
Page 10 of 10  

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