RadioLAN Network Card 140 MOBILINK User Guide

Model 140 MOBILINK  
User Guide  
890-013 06/02/99 Version 1  
© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
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The instructions in this document have been carefully checked for accuracy and are presumed to be  
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modify and revise this document without notice.  
It is our goal at RadioLAN to always supply accurate and reliable documentation. If you discover a  
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© 1999 RadioLAN, Sunnyvale, CA, USA. All rights reserved.  
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RadioLAN has made every effort to provide disclosures when using trademarks owned by other  
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10BaseRadio™ and RadioLAN10™ are trademarks of RadioLAN.  
Ma nua l Conve ntions  
The following text formats are used throughout this manual.  
References to other locations in the manual or to other Manuals provided by RadioLAN are italicized.  
Narrow Letters describe buttons and fields on the screen  
SMALL CAPITAL LETTERS describe Screen Names or Screen Tab Names  
Bold and Italicized Letters indicate important information.  
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Table Of Contents  
NOTICES ........................................................................................................................................................................... I  
FCC................................................................................................................................................................................... I  
DISCLAIMER...................................................................................................................................................................... II  
TRADEMARK DISCLOSURES................................................................................................................................................ III  
MANUAL CONVENTIONS.................................................................................................................................................... III  
ITEMSINCLUDEDWITHTHEMODEL 140 MOBILINK ............................................................................................................ 3  
SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ..................................................................................................................................................... 4  
INSTALLING THE MODEL 140 MOBILINK............................................................................................................................ 4  
Inserting and removing the MOBILINK........................................................................................................................... 5  
Removing the MOBILINK .............................................................................................................................................. 8  
Installing RadioLAN Drivers.......................................................................................................................................... 9  
INSTALLING RADIONET MANAGER ................................................................................................................................... 13  
RANGE OF OPERATION...................................................................................................................................................... 14  
Roaming .................................................................................................................................................................... 15  
Performing a Site Survey ............................................................................................................................................. 16  
GETTING TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE......................................................................................................................18  
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Introduc tion  
Welcome to wireless networking. You have  
purchased RadioLAN’s Model 140 MOBILINK, a  
wireless network device that allows you to connect  
a PC that uses a PCMCIA slot to a RadioLAN  
wireless network. RadioLAN wireless networks  
allow network stations to access shared network  
resources using a full-speed 10Mbps connection,  
without typical cabling requirements.  
Using the Model 140 MOBILINK in a notebook PC,  
you can easily move from one location to another  
without searching for a network port. If your  
notebook is powered on and placed upon a rolling  
cart, you can route through the workplace while  
taking notes or performing data entry. One example  
of this type of user would be a medical professional  
that regularly dispenses medication to a number of  
patients. While operating on battery power, the  
Figure 1: The Model 140 MOBILINK  
nurse moves from one room to the next. While using the Model 140 MOBILINK, the nurse’s station  
maintains a wireless connection to the facility’s network, and can continually receive network  
messages, e-mail, and chat requests throughout the day.  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Another example of Model 140 use would be a professional in an office complex. When using a hard-  
wired network, the professional would typically have connection to the network in his office, but would  
leave this connection to valuable resources behind when going to meetings in conference rooms.  
When using the Model 140 MOBILINK, the professional would have network resource access while in  
his office, and during meetings in conference rooms. The professional would enjoy necessary  
network resources any time they were required.  
The Model 140 MOBILINK comes with RadioNET Manager, RadioLAN’s powerful network connection  
application. RadioNET Manager manages wireless network stations, enabling them to function at  
optimum speeds and performance.  
With RadioNET Manager you can gain access to shared network resources like printers, hard disk  
drives, and other network stations. You can also receive network performance information that allows  
you to:  
View detailed information for a selected station.  
View information about several stations at once.  
Modify your station name.  
Modify station Subnet ID.  
Identify access type for each station.  
Test individual stations to determine success/failure rate of transmissions.  
Test the communication connection between stations.  
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Ite m s Inc lude d with the Mode l 140 MOBILINK  
When you received your new Model 140 MOBILINK, you should have received the following items in  
the product container:  
This Manual  
The Model 140 MOBILINK PCMCIA Card  
Network Drivers and Configuration Utilities Diskette (1 of 1)  
RadioNET Manager Diskette (1 of 1)  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Syste m re q uire m e nts  
To use RadioNET Manager, station computers must meet or exceed the following requirements:  
Windows 95b or later operating system  
32Mb of RAM recommended  
3.5 inch floppy disk drive  
Hard disk drive with at least 1Mb of available space  
Insta lling the Mode l 140 MOBILINK  
When installing the Model 140 MOBILINK for the first time, Windows displays a series of screens that  
guide you through a driver installation procedure. After properly installing the unit’s drivers, your PC  
may annunciate the presence of the PCMCIA card after the operating system boots, or when you  
insert the card while the PC is operating normally.  
This section of the manual discusses the steps needed to install the Model 140 with the Windows  
operating system. Actual installation procedures may vary depending upon the version of Windows  
that you use, but driver installation is intuitive, and easy to perform.  
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Inse rting a nd re m oving the MOBILINK  
The transceiver comes installed on the end of the PCMCIA card, and is hinged for easy installation  
and safe storage after removal. The unit is designed to open at a 130-degree angle from the PCMCIA  
card. This allows the card to slide completely into the PCMCIA slot inside of the PC.  
When using other PCMCIA devices: When the unit is open, the MOBILINK’s antenna points  
upward. If you use other PCMCIA devices in a second slot, consider inserting the MOBILINK into the  
top slot. This allows cable access to other the other card because the MOBILINK’s antenna does not  
cover the other card.  
The PC card interfaces the transceiver with your personal computer. It slides into any Type II or Type  
III PCMCIA slot inside your notebook. After properly installing the MOBILINK, and software drivers,  
you will configure the unit using RadioNET Manager.  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
To insert the MOBILINK:  
Gently open the antenna so  
that it is angled away from the  
PCMCIA card at a 130-degree  
Figure 2: Opening the MOBILINK  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Carefully align the PCMCIA  
card into the guides of the  
PCMCIA slot. If there are two  
slots, select the top slot.  
Insert the PC card firmly into  
the slide the card into the slot  
until it stops and then press  
firmly to seat the card into the  
Figure 3: Inserting the PCMCIA Card Into the Slot  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Re m oving the MOBILINK  
Always take care when removing the  
MOBILINK from the slot. PCMCIA slots  
are designed to tightly hold the card into  
place. There are usually ejector buttons  
on one end of the slot. Before  
attempting to remove the card, follow  
these important steps:  
1. Press the ejector button. Pressing  
the button causes the unit to  
unplug from the internal connector,  
and to partially slide out of the slot.  
2. Once the card has moved slightly  
outward, grasp the MOBILINK on  
each side, at the hinge, and then  
pull the card free from the slot.  
Figure 4: Ejecting the MOBILINK from the Slot  
3. Fold down the transmitter for  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Insta lling Ra dioLAN Drive rs  
After inserting the card into the slot, the  
operating system displays the NEW  
HARDWARE FOUND screen, and offers driver  
choices that are appropriate for the  
Select Driver from disk provided by  
manufacturer, and then click OK.  
Figure 5: The New Hardware Found Screen  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
The operating system displays the INSTALL  
FROM DISK screen.  
Insert the Network Drivers disk into drive A, and  
then click OK.  
Figure 7: The Install from Disk Screen  
The operating system begins copying files from  
the diskette, and shows progress on the  
Copying Files screen.  
Figure 6: The Copying Files Screen  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
Soon after, the INSERT DISK screen appears, prompting  
you to insert the operating system diskette.  
Insert the disk into the appropriate drive, and then click  
OK. If the operating system cannot find the operating  
system CD, it displays a screen that allows you to  
Browse for the location of the CD. After locating the  
proper path for the CD, click OK.  
Figure 9: The Insert Disk Screen  
During the installation, if a file being installed conflicts with  
a newer version, the operating system displays the  
VERSION CONFLICT screen, allowing you to preserve the  
newer file. Under normal circumstances, select Yes to  
keep the existing file.  
Figure 8: The Version Conflict  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
If your computer is set for TCP/IP with DHCP,  
then after the operating system completes  
copying files onto the hard disk drive, it begins  
searching for a DHCP client. If it does not locate  
the DHCP client, it displays a notification  
screen. The screen allows you to bypass DHCP  
client searching in the future. If you are not  
using a DHCP client, select No to stop future  
DHCP client searching.  
Figure 10: The DHCP Client Screen  
If your PC normally provides audible annunciation of PCMCIA card activation, it displays or sounds  
this annunciation at this time, indicating that the MOBILINK drivers are installed and that the  
hardware is operating properly.  
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Insta lling Ra d ioNET Ma na ge r  
Install RadioNET Manager onto your computer’s hard disk drive.  
1. Insert RadioNET Manager Diskette (1 of 1) into your floppy disk drive.  
2. Double-click the My Computer icon on the Windows 95™ desktop, then double-click the drive  
letter where you inserted the diskette. Windows 95 displays the contents of the diskette.  
3. Double-click Setup to launch the installation program. Follow the instructions on the screen to  
complete the setup.  
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Ra nge of Op e ra tion  
RadioLAN networks provide a radio carrier range of 250 feet  
120 feet  
data range  
with a nominal data range of a 120 feet radius from each  
station. Your system’s range may be greater than 120 feet  
depending upon the environment. Within the data range, a  
station can exchange information at full Ethernet speeds.  
For best operation, RadioLAN recommends that you locate  
all stations within a 120-foot circular area (see Figure 11).  
This ensures proper operation of the network’s CSMA/CA  
feature, which overcomes network communication  
Obstructions can decrease the data range: RadioLAN is  
designed to operate in a semi-open office environment.  
Listed below are some obstructions that may reduce your  
data range:  
Walls made of a metallic substance  
Thick concrete walls  
Figure 11: Range of Operation  
Walls reinforced with metallic studs  
Foil-backed insulation installed within walls  
Desktop objects that surround your RadioLAN transceiver  
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Roa m ing  
Two Radio Carrier Areas  
RadioLAN networks provide an automatic  
ability in the client stations to select the  
Access Point with the best signal. This allows  
the client stations to move from one Access  
Point to another without user intervention.  
For instance, a portable computer using the  
RadioLAN Model 140 card may easily move  
from one area of the building to another area  
served by a separate Access Point, while  
receiving 10Mb service. This allows the user  
to take the computer from the office area, to a  
conference room and continue to work on the  
WAP #1  
Roaming PC  
WAP #2  
Roaming PC  
Roaming PC  
The client stations software manages the  
relationship to the nearest access point, and  
when conditions change, the client station will  
notify the new Access Point that it is selected  
Figure 12: Roaming Between Access Points  
to provide service for that client, and the old Access Point to discontinue service. This is performed  
automatically and seamlessly.  
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Pe rform ing a Site Surve y  
Performing a site survey allows you to map out your signal quality ratings throughout the office area.  
To perform the survey, you need to configure two stations. For example, the first station might be a  
desktop station. The second station might be a wireless notebook station using the Model 140  
PCMCIA Card. While testing, each station is monitoring the other for connectivity quality.  
Ma p ing the Site  
Create a map of the wireless site. On the map, mark the locations of each stationary station, for  
example, mark each office where a wireless station will be located. Also specify and mark the station  
that will connect to the hard-wired 10BaseT local area network. In this example, the Access Point is  
the center point of the wireless network.  
From the Access Point, measure the distance to each office where a wireless station is located. Note  
the distance at each station on the map.  
Pe rform ing the Te st  
1. Using RadioNET Manager, view the NETWORK INFORMATION AND CONNECTIVITY screen at both  
stations to monitor the connectivity quality of the other station.  
2. Raise and locate the desktop Access Point station’s transceiver to the highest possible location,  
clear from obstructions on any side.  
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3. With the portable notebook station, move to the location where each wireless station will be  
located. Locate the notebook so that you can position its transceiver as close to the location  
where the proposed station’s transmitter will be located. Place the transceiver, and then call up  
the NETWORK INFORMATION AND CONNECTIVITY screen onto the notebook’s screen. Read the  
rating for the Access Point. If the Access Point does not have a rating of 5, attempt to raise the  
value to 5 by relocating the transceiver. Note the highest rating that you attain during the test on  
the map. Also note that this rating was noted at the notebook’s location.  
4. With map in hand, go to the Access Point, and then read the connectivity rating for the notebook  
on the NETWORK INFORMATION AND CONNECTIVITY screen. Note this rating on the map at the  
location of the notebook. Also note that this reading was taken from the Access Point.  
After noting the two ratings, move to the next designated station location. Repeat the steps above  
until you note each location’s connectivity quality rating from the Access Point and the notebook.  
When you have completed your mapping, you will have an illustrated view of the best connectivity  
quality that can be attained between the Access Point and each station in the network. You will also  
be familiar with the best locations to position transceivers throughout the network.  
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Ge tting Te c hnic a l Assista nc e  
If you have technical questions, or have determined that your equipment is damaged, RadioLAN  
offers a number of ways to get assistance:  
1. Contact your local RadioLAN reseller where you purchased the product.  
2. See the RadioLAN Web Site for technical assistance:  
When your browser accesses the Web Site, click Technical Support.  
3. You can reach RadioLAN Technical Support directly by dialing:  
(408) 616-6300.  
4. Alternatively, you can reach our technical staff at the following e-mail address:  
Please have the following information available and ready:  
Your name, address, and phone number  
The serial number of the RadioLAN part in question  
A description of the problem that you are experiencing  
Technical Support may ask you to run tests and give results of those tests. It is therefore best if you  
are located as close as possible to the unit when you call.  
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© 1999 RadioLAN. All rights reserved.  
455 De Guigne Drive  
Sunnyvale, CA 94086  
Phone (408) 616-6300  
Fax (408) 524-0600  

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